Welcome to the EDU Photo Directory, your destination for EDU-approved photography to use alongside Google for Education branded content. 


How to download photos:

  1. Use the top-right navigation or search bar to find a photo(s). 
  2. To download multiple photos, click “select photos” (top right), select desired thumbnails and click “download.”
  3. To download a single photo, click the thumbnail to enlarge the photo, hover over the left-hand corner until you see “Menu.” Select download from the menu.
  4. Is your content external? Sign up for an EDU Brand Jam to review with the brand team.
  5. Please follow the Google EDU Brand Book [coming soon] for brand imagery guidelines.

Quick tips: 

  1. To find photos by category (e.g. “student only”) use the Collections dropdown. Collections are curated from across the directory, while Campaigns and Programs, Events, and Markets and Regions contain galleries with specific photo shoots. 
  2. The search bar is not comprehensive, and will only yield results of galleries and photos containing matching text or keyword metadata. 
  3. Always check the date on photography and ensure that featured devices are current.


Here to upload photos? Please submit an upload request using this link (also in the upper right of top nav).